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Friday, April 2, 2010

A Miracle - The TICKET that SAVED my LIFE

A miracle is an extraordinary occurrence that is divine in nature.  We ask God daily for miracles in our prayers, in our desires, and in our wants, and GOD will truly grant it to you, if it is HIS will for you.  However, a lot of times, we do not view these things as "miracles". 

When I first experienced and truly understood GOD's miracle working powers was when I was in need of a blessing and utilizing sin to obtain it.  I was struggling financially to come up with money to move into an apartment.  I had to repair my vehicle.  Furthermore, my daughter was just born 6 months ago and I was dealing with the extra expense.  I was invited to North Carolina to a business meeting for an investment club meeting.  They wanted me to join the group, but honestly I was not in a position to be a part of it at the time.  However, I went and attended anyway. 

After the meeting with the group, the men of the group decided to go out to a party.  We ended up at a party like no other.  It was a strip club to put it mildly.  Some would call it a brothel where men were paying to "date" women.  However, the highlight of this establishment was not the women, but they had a raffle going on.  You bought a ticket for $5 and they put the other half in the bucket and whomever ticket is pulled wins the raffle.  They key though is that gambling at the time was illegal in North Carolina so it had to be a game of skill.  I bought two tickets, one for me and one for my friend.  Well, I "prayed to GOD" to let me win because YOU know how much I need this money.  I was struggling financially and this money would help.  At that point, a calmness covered me.  Something said in a voice..."you gonna win".  I NEVER heard a voice like that before.  Basically a "chill".  At that point, I became distracted by the women in their birthday suits.  About a hour later, the raffle started and they started calling the numbers.  When they called the first number, I already knew I won.....and guess what I DID.  The prize pot was for $795.

Like I mentioned earlier, it is a game of skill and I had to get on stage and put the ticket in the right bucket.  In the beginning of the game, they indicate which bucket you have to put the ticket in.  I was not paying attention for looking at the women and ended up putting the ticket in the wrong bucket.  I was devastated.  I was hurt.  I felt like fainting.  My friends told me I only lost $5, but in my mind I lost more.  I lost hope.  I lost a dream.  A need.  A MIRACLE.......

I went back to the hotel and cried.  My girlfriend at the time tried to console me, but I was not hearing it.  That morning she woke me u p and she said we are going to church.  I said I did not want to go to NO CHURCH.  She said we are going and I obliged.  We arrived just in time when the preacher started to give his sermon.  He started preaching from the book of JOB.  How Job was suffering and lost so much, but he never cursed GOD or stop believing.  At that moment, tears started to roll down my face.  The preacher was talking to me.  I felt like Job.  I was weak.  I just started to cry and scream out.  The preacher called me up to the front and started praying for me.  He prayed..."you are gonna WIN with GOD; HE is going to provide a MIRACLE in your life".  Again, that same "chill" I felt from the strip club came over me again.  Labor Day Weekend (September) 2000, I gave my life to Christ.

I called my mother and told my friends about what happened.  I came back to Virginia still struggling and facing the same issues, but this time with a spirit of strength and encouragement.  The next week, I got a letter in the mail from my Aunt.  It was a birthday car.  I was like why is she sending me a birthday card.  It read:

Happy Birthday!  Remember the day; mark it down.  When you stand before Christ, December 25th (my actual birthday) will be insignificant.  The most important date will be the day that you were born into HIS eternal family.  Satan will attack but just keep telling him that he is a liar.  You know your Father.  I love you, I'm proud of you and YOU DID NOT PUT THE TICKET IN THE WRONG BUCKET!!

After reading the card, I looked inside and there was a check for $795.  MIRACLES do HAPPEN my friends.  It is just how you look at it

I am reminded and thank GOD....for the TICKET that "SAVED" my LIFE!!!!

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