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A network of inspiring minds speaking about LIFE.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Living or Existing???

Are you Living or Existing?   

Whatcha mean 'Lik?

Over the past few months, I have been talking via e-mail about several different topics, from basketball, relationships, politics, wealth, character, economy, so forth and so on, but it all revolves about life.  Life - "your existence".  So I started to think...what is God's will and purpose for my life?  How many of you know that?   God has a will and purpose for each and everyone of us, but OUR WILL interferes with that sometimes. 

Maybe I am over some of your heads with this or you don't see it that way, but most will agree or somewhat agree they have 'thought' about their purpose in life.  Why am I here?  Until one can admit it and take it to the altar for GOD, how can God help you overcome it?  How can God help you figure out what you need to do with your life?  It can get lonely.  I guess this is when faith comes in.  I am not saying that you should quit your job and move to the Himalayas and eat leaves all day, but honestly, what is GOD challenging you to do?  Do you know what God wants from you?  Have you asked HIM?  If God wants you to do it, do you have enough faith to believe HE will encourage and sustain you through it?  Or....are you trying to do it all on your own?  

The WORD says in Romans 5:3-5 "....suffering produces perseverance; perseverance (produces) character; and character (produces) hope.  And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out HIS love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom HE has given us".

I urge each of you to find why you exist. Hard thing to answer, but you gotta do it. Why God has ordained me with this career?  Why has HE given me this knowledge/those degrees and what do I need to do with it?  Why did HE placed me in this family?  Why did HE lead me to met this woman or man?  Why has HE given me opportunities and thoughts that are confusing to understand?  Find what God's will is for your life and seek empowerment through that.  Live your life...a righteous life where God will be proud to say...."you have finished your course, my good and faithful servant".  Your Life is key for your existence.  Master it.  Be honest and answer this question.  Are you living or existing?  Try to L. I. V. E.....Live In Victory Everyday. 

I know I am trying to.....

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