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Friday, January 21, 2011


Whatcha mean 'Lik?

When things are going good, it is very easy to see and acknowledge GOD in it.  And even when things seems 'somewhat tough/difficult', with a little hard work and common sense from our part to correct it, you can still praise GOD in the midst .  Life is an up and down cycle, but it is how we remain FAITHFUL and not RATIONAL through these storms that determines our makeup.  Follow me on this one....

How do I know I have the ability to achieve what I want?  How do I know truly what I want is the right thing for me?  It is self evident that if you seriously put your mind to it, you can achieve it.  There's no thought about it...either you have it or you don't.  It's your makeup....That's RATIONAL right?  Or is it?   

The word says in 2 Corinthians 5:7 that "we live by faith, not by sight".  Okay I understand and get that.  So me thinking I have the ability to do something and I do it, is that being FAITHFUL?  You see, what we most often want to do is change our circumstances even if GOD has not put it on our hearts to change it.  "Rationally" (there's that word again), we feel this situation, relationship, job, opportunity is the best for US, but is it what God TRULY have for us?   Is the difficulty we experiencing a test or a triumph?  Is it something that GOD is trying to help us understand?  It could be both.

If my PERSONAL knowledge is not led by my SPIRITUAL knowledge, then I'm living by "sight' and not  living by 'faith'? (IF you are lost, re-read 2 Corinthians 5:7 again).  You gain wisdom and understanding by seeking and reading the Word of God, not by reading the New York Times Best Seller.  Some of our BEST ideas can lead to emotional disaster if it is not confirmed by GOD. 

Recently with trials, tribulations, disappointments, setbacks, I have come to realize what I THINK I know and HOW I think I can fix it, don't mean SQUAT!!  What seems 'rational' ain't 'faithful'.  Things take time.  Trials are tests to help me learn and refocus on the Creator.  It is not for us to understand EVERY detail of our lives, but it is important to faithfully seek understanding through our lives.  Change happens, but changing your character by faith provides perseverance and true deliverance.  That's Faithful, not Rational.

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