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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Spoiling Kids

If I was one of those facebook/Twitter addicts who like to describe every step of my life in 1-2 sentence increments for my 300+ friends to see every 5 freakin minutes...this is what I would have posted this morning:

Status Update: "It's 7:45am and I have been dressed and ready to walk out the door since 7:15am. But I have to wait for my wife to finish cutting the edges of the cheese toast and removing the yoke out of the boiled eggs perfectly slicing it in two for the girl's breakfast!"

7:51am I would have posted this

Status Update II: "This doesn't make no sense...I am going to be late for an appt. because my oldest daughter doesn't want boiled eggs and is crying cuz she wanted bacon and apple sauce instead. Now, me and da wifey in a "heated" disagreement cuz I think she need to eat what da hell was prepared and da wifey wants me to give in and go ahead and make her something else to eat......I betcha I wont!"

..... anyway, after I finished cooking the turkey bacon in the microwave (lol) it was 8:05am and now I'm pissed. Why we cant just fry a bologna sandwich with the slit on the side and throw a pack of nabs and a red Capri sun in a grocery bag so we can get up outta here?!!?"

I am dead serious y' new age parents are spoiling our kids!

Check dis out here.....I have a patna whose wifey is so particular on what their child eats, it drives him up the wall. His wifey wouldn't let their son eat table food until he turned 1...and now he has to have special food like organic Turkey cinnamon apple sauce...Organic DHA they roll to Chic-fi-la, he gets the grilled chicken His wifey even buys those $3 jars of organic
Gerber meat links that he says taste just like VIENNA SAUSAGES.

And as soon as their son shakes his head when he is eating...she says, "oh he doesn't want it let me fix him something else!" lol..

Dude what happened to old school...when you ate what your parents gave you or you didn't eat at all?? What happened to grits and bologna for breakfast...bologna & cheese for lunch with a pack of nabs and a Nu Grape or Red Rock?  Some of y'all big city folks don't know 'bout a pack of Lance Nabs!!

Do you remember putting grape jelly or peanut butter between Ritz crackers and thought you were truly makin a gourmet snack?   How 'bout that fried Spam w/ the good imitation cheese?  What about a Capri Sun or Tang....or better yet, what ya'll know bout drankin some Tab?

Then for dinner you eat exactly what the grown folks ate...pork chops...neck bones...fried chicken...rice...butter beans...macaroni...that good Va. salty ham...cube steak and gravy...and if you didn't want went to bed hungry! How many times do you remember asking your momma to stop at
McDonald's and she said "we got ground beef at home"...but you ain't never eva have any hamburger buns! LOL

Now these kids getting all this special high-price organic crap...grilled chicken and salad''s just spoiling the heck outta these kids and making them soft (especially ya'll wit lil soft boyz)...

STOP SPOILING THE CHILDREN... go update your facebook status with that!


  1. dis dude is on point!!!

  2. And another thing...these kids today, are soft. Plus we have too many parent cops. The message to the parent cops: Stay out my bidness and stf^

  3. Kids today are soft... the male dances of snapping fingers...soft, skinny jeans...soft, waving gucci rags, louie bags, big scarves, etc....I could go on and on
