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A network of inspiring minds speaking about LIFE.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


"SOCIAL NETWORKING is not SOCIALLY Helping us"....Whatcha mean 'Lik?

I check/read FACEBOOK too much.  Not my work e-mail or my work phone to see who called or my cell phone to see who called or my personal email.....I check Facebook (FB) entirely too much.  It's amazing how 'social networking' has taken over.  Whether it is Twitter, FB, G-chat, BBM, Yahoo Messenger, college round-ups, blogger, tumbler, networking is rampant.  What did we do before this craze?

Someone's opinion, thoughts, feelings are immediate on FB like they are standing right in front of you.  Facebook to me is the that King of Social Information. I rented The Social Network from Redbox (this Redbox thing is another blog) a few months back.  If you are on FB, you need to see this movie.  This whole "facebook" site can be tied to a "woman that made Zuckerberg upset".  If being upset at a woman can make him billions, I should be a "kazillionaire" by now!!!

I digressed.......

As good and fun as social networking is, it has so many ugly parts.  Some folks take FB very serious like it is life.  This is where I feel social networking has gone too far.  The multitude of communication today is now through email, text, tweeting, and facebooking.   I have seen relationships sour, end, and basically fall apart because of FB and what someone DOES or DOES NOT post on their OWN PAGE.  This has happened to me with several friends because of what I put on FB.  (Some rekindled, some broken)

Folks we need to get back to the basics and talk face to face with one another.  Social networking is destroying communication.  I get so discouraged to see "subliminal cyber drive-bys" between folks because they are upset with one another.  Who needs to hear all of that only for someone to gas you up more with their "comments" about the subject matter? Why the questioning from your "girl/guy" about why they talking to such and such on FB and why that person "liking" everything you put on your status???  It's getting to be too much.

Pick up a phone.  Invite that person to dinner.  Go out for a laugh.....and let that be it.  Don't post "I checked in at the Peppermint Club with Jack and Jill"....we don't need to hear all of that.  Just enjoy that person's company and go home.  It's not everyone's business to know every DETAIL of your life.  True true, I don't have to read it (and most of the time I don't), but learn to "socially" embrace the moment and move on. 

I like FB like the next person, but we need a balance.  Instead of logging on....make a call or go for a visit. 

That's a REAL FACE - book.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Whatcha mean 'Lik?

When things are going good, it is very easy to see and acknowledge GOD in it.  And even when things seems 'somewhat tough/difficult', with a little hard work and common sense from our part to correct it, you can still praise GOD in the midst .  Life is an up and down cycle, but it is how we remain FAITHFUL and not RATIONAL through these storms that determines our makeup.  Follow me on this one....

How do I know I have the ability to achieve what I want?  How do I know truly what I want is the right thing for me?  It is self evident that if you seriously put your mind to it, you can achieve it.  There's no thought about it...either you have it or you don't.  It's your makeup....That's RATIONAL right?  Or is it?   

The word says in 2 Corinthians 5:7 that "we live by faith, not by sight".  Okay I understand and get that.  So me thinking I have the ability to do something and I do it, is that being FAITHFUL?  You see, what we most often want to do is change our circumstances even if GOD has not put it on our hearts to change it.  "Rationally" (there's that word again), we feel this situation, relationship, job, opportunity is the best for US, but is it what God TRULY have for us?   Is the difficulty we experiencing a test or a triumph?  Is it something that GOD is trying to help us understand?  It could be both.

If my PERSONAL knowledge is not led by my SPIRITUAL knowledge, then I'm living by "sight' and not  living by 'faith'? (IF you are lost, re-read 2 Corinthians 5:7 again).  You gain wisdom and understanding by seeking and reading the Word of God, not by reading the New York Times Best Seller.  Some of our BEST ideas can lead to emotional disaster if it is not confirmed by GOD. 

Recently with trials, tribulations, disappointments, setbacks, I have come to realize what I THINK I know and HOW I think I can fix it, don't mean SQUAT!!  What seems 'rational' ain't 'faithful'.  Things take time.  Trials are tests to help me learn and refocus on the Creator.  It is not for us to understand EVERY detail of our lives, but it is important to faithfully seek understanding through our lives.  Change happens, but changing your character by faith provides perseverance and true deliverance.  That's Faithful, not Rational.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

What it feels like to be born on Christmas....


Whatcha mean 'Lik?

Anytime someone hears or notices that my birthday is December 25th, I get asked the same questions.  One of the questions is:  "Were you cheated out of gifts.....Did you get only one gift for Christmas and your birthday?"  I have a prepared speech for that everytime...."No I was never cheated out of a gifts.  However on my birthday I was afforded the opportunity to give others gifts".  This has been a repetitive speech I have given for 37 years.  It is just one of those things I will have to explain for the rest of my life.  Honestly, for me it has been an ice breaker, a conversation piece (especially the ladies *wink*).  When I was younger and being an only child, I got basically everything I wanted and desired.  However since I have gotten older I give more gifts than I receive.  It is something I expect because people are giving to everyone that day.  I don't feel left out because I am just thankful to see another year and to see smiles on people's faces as they open their gifts, especially my kids.  That is truly a wonderful present to me.

The other statement I hear after the "gift" question is:  "You are in good ought to feel EXTRA blessed to be born on Christ's Birthday."  Actually, no I don't.  I don't feel any special, but being born on Christ's birthday, it has a reflective meaning.  I pride myself on serving others and being a beacon of light, even in the midst of my trials and tribulations.  I try to help others the best way that I can and it hurts when I can't.  However, I am learning, I am no Messiah....I am just a vessel speaking.  I can't do everything.  Just because I was born on Christ's birthday, I'm not Christ.  It's a desire to not see people in pain or despair, but I can't do everything.  Some people will abuse it, some people won't appreciate it, some just don't want it.  I am learning this more and more, but it won't stop me from caring and trying though.  I walk with Christ's LIGHT in me, not because I have the same birthday as HIM, but because that is what I suppose to do no matter when my birthday is.

One thing I have always missed though with being born on Christmas is a birthday party and birthday cake.  In preparing everything for Christmas and for families, I very seldom remember birthday cakes or a birthday party.  Maybe my old age is not allowing me to remember, but I don't remember but about 4 birthday cakes and two birthday parties.  I remember a chocolate cake with those hard sugar, tart letters spelling my name; a football cake; an upside down pineapple cake my grandmother made, and a cake I had for a surprise birthday party when I turned 31.  The two birthday parties, one was a surprise and the other was one I gave myself.  They may have been others but I don't remember them.  Blowing out candles....making a wish.....It seems simple, but that's me.  Simple things are memorable to me. Who wouldn't want to have a birthday party??  Balloons, cake, ice cream, your favorite meal.  Yeah, you can say..."why don't you buy or make your own cake or have our own party Malik?"....but sometimes it feels good to have someone do that for you.  Understand??  And furthermore again, on Christmas everybody is everywhere.  They are thinking about their own gifts, not focused on having a party for you.  I know it may sound childish, but even this year, all I wanted was a birthday cake.  Just a cake for me.  Blowing out candles.  Making a wish.  A surprise!!  The Happy Birthday song....It really bypasses folks in the midst of the day.  However through the years, I just look in the mirror and sing it to myself.  Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry.

Overall....its just that feeling of BEING BORN ON CHRISTMAS.....

Friday, December 17, 2010

REPOST: Communication killed Assumption

REPOST from another blog site.  Interesting read...

Communication Killed Assumption

Written by: Enitan Bereola, II

In today’s news, assumption was found dead and communication has been arrested in connection with the murder.The miscommunication of male and female relations has led to debate, divorce and death. Man and woman’s understanding of each other is only half the battle. Communication with the opposite sex is like trying to send a text message with a Metro PCS phone on a plane – you attempt delivery, but it just won’t go through. The main problem with a lack of communication is that it forces people to jump to their own conclusions.

Ladies want to know the way men think. They’d like to know why we have double standards, why we lie and lead them on, why we’re not upfront, why we’re so afraid to commit, why we don’t completely answer questions, why we have a hard time communicating and when there will be an answer to all of these questions. When men refuse to address the issues, women begin to assume the answers. Some women think a few dinner dates and some intimacy makes a man her boyfriend, while the man is simply enjoying her company. She then begins to expect much more than her date is willing to offer because they’re communicating two different things.

That’s the problem that most men have with women today. We simply don’t understand how “yes” can mean “no” and why “nothing is wrong” means something is definitely wrong and it needs to be addressed not now, but right now. When she says, “just kidding,” she’s telling the damn truth. When she points out something sweet another man does, she wants you to do it too – but make sure you do it better. Telling her she’s acting crazy is the worst way to get her to stop acting crazy. If she looks upset, she’s upset; and she’s mad at you for you not knowing why she’s mad at you. If she asks, “Is that what you’re wearing,” she probably wants you to change. Sometimes she pushes you away to see if you’re willing to come forward. If she leaves upset, follow her. When she cries, it’s best to hold her tight and not say a word. Women test our reactions; they observe and judge our every action, expression, word and gesture. She notices how long it takes you to respond to a text message and analyzes why it took that long. Women create a connection and sense of intimacy through communication; her personal questions aren’t intended to invade your privacy so don’t be afraid to open up.

If you don’t know how to open up, start by actually answering her questions. A great way to emotionally connect to a woman is to simply let her in. Create a way for her to feel something. Share personal stories that she can relate to. The neurons in her brain will actually generate the same response as if she was right there with you sharing the experience. A woman puts into a relationship exactly what she expects out of it. You can’t watch football with the cable unplugged – you can’t function in a relationship with you unplugged. Relationships are useless with no connection. Communication is cable.

Women really aren’t as complicated as we make them out to be – they just want to be loved and express that much differently than men. A woman wants more than anything else to feel emotion. That’s why she tells us about her day when we don’t feel like being bothered or ask us all sorts of detailed questions when we think it’s unnecessary. To her, communication is a way of emotionally connecting on a level deeper than surface. Mental stimulation is better than sex … chivalry is foreplay.

But the communication barrier is so thick simply because men and women think and interpret information differently. The male mind is based on hard facts & reason whereas the female mind responds more to emotion and empathy. Women are natural nurturers and men are natural workers. Ask a man to go to the store for bread & he’ll bring back bread. Ask a woman to go to the store for bread and she’ll bring back groceries. Understanding this basic concept will help us understand our breakdown in communication.
Some of us may be crazy, but we’re not nuts and you damn sure can’t crack us open. Ladies, never attempt to pry or force communication out of a man. The results are similar to prying out teeth, no anesthesia. Be patient with us more, love us harder, and show us that we can count on you. When a dog begins to trust a new houseguest, it’s behavior changes … well you say we’re dogs, right?

Women must understand that most men can’t decipher your cryptic code. Psychics aren’t real, so either try to learn the way we communicate or date a psychic. Your tendency to communicate emotionally & inwardly often leaves us confused trying to figure out what you’re really saying. We often wonder what you want, but it’s tragic when you wonder the same thing. Get to know you before you expect a man to.

As simple as men are, we understand that sometimes ladies just don’t get us. Take a look at my “Five Communications Do’s & Don’ts” to help you out.

Communication Do’s:
▪ Do approach with caution. The four words men hate to hear is “We need to talk.” It’s not what you say; it’s how and when you say it.▪ Do acknowledge our efforts. A lot of men won’t admit it, but we require affirmation just like you. So before you communicate that we’re doing something wrong, acknowledge what we’re doing right or even that you know we’re trying.▪ Do be upfront … but not “in your face upfront.” I know that sometimes women aren’t blunt to protect a man’s ego, but speak matter-of-factly so that we understand the serious tone and nature of the conversation. When we see that a woman is sure and clear about what she wants, we’ll definitely straighten up and take notice. Most men like direct women because most men are direct, but there is truly an art to approaching us so that we not only receive what you’re communicating, but also open up to you.▪ Do find the right time we communicate together effectively. Timing is everything. Sometimes an issue will arise that requires communication and since women are more emotionally driven, she may want to discuss things in the heat of the moment. In the meantime, a logically driven man may want to sleep on it & discuss when our mind is settled. She doesn’t understand our logical argument when she’s arguing emotionally. Forcing communication while emotions are high is like sparking a lighter in a gas factory. The way to come to a compromise about finding the right time to effectively communicate is by communicating when nothings wrong. The best time to talk to us about problems is when there are no problems.▪ Do speak in love and pick your battles. Not everything under the sun needs to be communicated. Decide what’s important and what can be figured out overtime or else every day will be another boring board meeting with your boyfriend.

Communication Don’ts:
▪ Don’t get mad at us when we laugh or smile when you’re trying to have serious communication. There’s just something so sexy and so cute about her when she’s mad and trying to have a serious conversation. We’re listening … you’re just sexy!▪ Don’t text him 10 times a day to ask over & over where the relationship is going. You have to strike a healthy balance in letting a man know what you stand for & expect, while still allowing progression to happen naturally. As men don’t always go into situations looking for relationships but we get into them because we recognize a good lady when we see one. Forcing yourselves onto us creates a force field around us and blocks you. Set boundaries and state intentions early and you won’t have to bring up “the talk” at all because we’ll gladly do it for you.▪ Don’t always have something to say. Sometimes communication is simply listening. Just like you need to vent, at times we need to vent and prefer you just listen.▪ Don’t communicate problems in public. If you’re out with friends and an issue occurs, keep your class and wait until you’re behind closed doors to discuss it. Maintain your relationship’s privacy and integrity because you’ll eventually forget about your public blow-up but friends & family won’t & some will be happy to always remind you.▪ Don’t ignore body language. 55% of communication is non-verbal, 38% is vocal (pitch, speed, volume, tone of voice) and only 7% is actual words. So listen to what we do. If we’ve scheduled a time to talk about something and we look like we’re not in the mood for discussion but we made an effort to discuss anyway, just change the subject. It can wait and we’ll love you for it.▪ Don’t focus on what we’re NOT saying. Forget what you’d like us to say, take us at face value. It’s a known fact that we speak different languages, but most of the time our communication doesn’t require interpretation. As we understand that we’re both saying the same thing, just saying it differently, then we can begin to move forward in understanding one another. Don’t dive deep into shallow water. THIS JUST IN: Text messaging has been arrested in the attempted murder of effective communication. Text tried to kill real conversation. If all he does is send you words over a mobile device, it isn’t a real relationship. Oral communication is an intimate act so if a man goes as far as reaching out to pick up a phone and call or wants to talk a lady in person, he’s definitely interested. Now back to your program already in progress.

Communication killed assumptions! The more we attempt to effectively communicate with each other, the more we can begin to love one another. Men and women desire the same thing – to be loved. It’s the way in which we seek out love and attention that causes so much friction. We may speak different languages but that’s the beauty of it. Love is the language that a deaf woman can hear and a blind mind can see. We need to kill this senseless Venus vs. Mars act that’s been going on for decades. We need ladies and they need us. It’s not Venus vs. Mars, it’s Venus with Mars. Let’s focus on everything right with us, instead of everything wrong with us. Learn to appreciate, enjoy and love our differences instead of shunning them; it’s what makes us beautiful.

R.I.P. Assumptions.


My ROCK....

In basketball, to be successful and good at it, you have to be well conditioned, fundamentally sound, play good offense and defense, and be knowledgeable of the rules and regulations of the game.  HOWEVER, that is not the most important thing in basketball....It's the ball, THE ROCK!  The ROCK is the CENTER of the game.  If you don't have a ROCK, it would just be a track meet.

In Spirit, Christ is our ROCK!  Like in basketball, without THE ROCK, you will be running around without a purpose or direction.  HE must be the center of our lives.  Psalms 78:35 says: "Then they remembered that God was their ROCK, and the MOST HIGH GOD, their Redeemer - ELOHEEM".  Eloheem means "MOST HIGH". GOD is the HIGHEST part of our life.  HE is ELOHEEM - our ROCK!

The word "HIGH" is very important in basketball too.  I learned early, to have a good jumpshot you have to have an arch and aim HIGH at the rim.  You shoot straight with no lift you have no chance of the ball getting over the rim and no chance scoring.  You shoot low at GOD you have no chance in connecting with HIM.  You have to AIM HIGH to move forward in life. To play good defense you have to keep your hands HIGH.  In church, keeping your hands HIGH is a sign of worship.

Again, just like in basketball, your spiritual life must contain THE ROCK. God wants to redeem us and save us from our own flesh.  Crucify your flesh my brothers and sisters.  Do away with things that are not working in your life.  Condition your body, strengthen your body.  Today, PRACTICE talking more with God so HE can COACH you in the right direction.  The game of life will be more meaningful when you make GOD the center of your life....THE ROCK!!


Whatcha mean 'Lik?

"Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife.  As the two of them went on together, Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, 'Father?'...'Yes, my son?' Abraham replied.  'The fire and the wood are here', Isaac said, 'but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?'....Abraham answered, 'God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.' And the two of them went on together." (GENESIS 22: 6-8)

Do you remember this game? 

YOU:  Stop twisting my arm!!!
ME:  Say please!
ME:  Say pppllleeasssse....
YOU:  Okay, alright, please...I GIVE UP!!

As a child, we would play these games.  They were like mini quizzes...tests.  When we could not figure stuff out, we would easily give up.  These games tested us but allowed us to reset and just GIVE UP when we were tired of it, without changing the outcome.  In our adult life, that is not the case.  We want to give up, but we can't.  I don't like this job, I can't figure out how to fix this situation, I can understand this dilemma....I GIVE UP!!

However, in the spiritual context 'GIVING UP' has a different meaning.  GIVING UP symbolizes a sacrifice, a crucifixion, a suppressing of flesh where we must depend on faith and God's grace.  It is not easy though.  This 'giving up' does not create the same outcome, but alters things in our life.  We have to suppress our personal thoughts and just trust and believe GOD will carry us through....hoping for a better situation/outcome. 

The prior scripture, Abraham was instructed by GOD to take his son, his only son, to Moriah and sacrifice him.  Hmmmm...who will sacrifice their only son or daughter that you love as a burnt offering if GOD told you to do it?  I know I will be transparent and be hesitant to say....I am going to go, but I would still would question..."Is this really you God telling me to do this?"  Point #1:  God knows what you don't know.  Lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6)

AS they kept going Isaac, even as a young boy, realized that 'something just ain't right here.  One plus one is not equaling two.  There is the wood and the fire, but no sacrifice.  So the young boy questioned "his father".  He responds..."God will provide".  Point #2:   Who am I/who are You to question our "FATHER", our GOD.  I am who I am (Exodus 3:14)

The scripture continues with Abraham reaching Moriah and building the altar there to sacrifice his son, his only son.  At that point the angle of the LORD appeared and showed Abraham the ram in the thicket to sacrifice.  Point #3:  If you believe and patient, God will provide a blessing.  I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief (Mark 9:24). 

What are you willing to give up to get closer to GOD?  What do you fear letting go of?  Is it your relationship, your job, your money...what holds you back from getting in the face of GOD and HIM providing for you?  Think about it.  We all have something that blocks our worship.  Whatever it is, pray on it, fast on it, and let go, and LET GOD.  God wants your full commitment.  We have to be obedient to our purpose and always bring our BEST OFFERING to the lord and what better offering is to give OURSELVES.

Are you ready to GIVE UP????

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm 'RUNNING BACK' to Jesus

I'm 'RUNNING BACK' to Jesus....

Whatcha mean 'Lik?

When I log onto my home computer and click on the internet, YAHOO is my 'home page'.  I scan through the latest 'Trending Now' and 'Today's Headline News'.  Most of the time I click on this stuff and read about the latest news on Tiger Woods or The Gulf Oil Spill or Whose Hating President Obama now.  One article I saw up there was "49ers Running Back Retires".  I vividly remember seeing it but never clicked on it.  I did not think nothing of it.  I don't follow football like I used to so the name Glen Coffee did not strike a bell so I did not read it.  Well, today in my daily devotionals, that name came up again...Glen Coffee.  Who is this dude?  I am thinking, how does football and the Daily Word relate?  So I 'googled him'.  Here is the article I found....

If you didn't know, Glen Coffee retired from football because he's "letting God do His work in him".  People are not going to understand how a guy who has a professional football career, big money, and the prospect of being the #2 running back on his NFL team, leave it all for....GOD.  Hmmmm....meditate on that for a minute.  I will repeat....people are not going to understand how a guy is going to give up a professional football career (something you been doing and excelling in your whole life and now you are in the ‘big show’), big money ($828K signing bonus, multi year-contract, ability to make more later), and  the prospect of being #2 running back on the team (started games when Frank Gore was hurt) all to follow....GOD. 

This reminds me of the story of Matthew and Jesus calling him to be a disciple.  In Matthew 9:9, Jesus walks and sees a tax collector by the name of Matthew and tells him to "follow Me", and Matthew gets up and follows Him.  You have to know that in those days tax collectors were very prominent.  They had resources and 'got a little on the side' from the serfs and natives.  They did not have to worry about money and it was a highly recognizable profession.  However, they were hated by the poor and the rich. People looked down on tax collectors too because they charged the poor and took from the less fortunate and took resources from the rich. 
However here comes a man in the flesh (who is known as Christ the King), and He tells another man by the name of  Matthew to give up your profession, give up your riches, give up what you are trained to do, and "follow me" because I have a 'purpose' for your life.  We read these stories/parables in the Bible and shout and say "Hallelujah and Amen", but when it hits our doorstep, we can’t understand.  Why?  Do you not see the symbolism in Glen Coffee’s life?  Here is what got me – Glen Coffee said:  

“A lot of people aren't going to understand and realize because they don't have the wisdom to understand," Coffee said. "Their eyes aren't open like mine are open. True happiness is glorifying God and glorifying Christ. That's what true happiness is. ... And for me, that wasn't the NFL. That wasn't where I needed to be."

If God appears to you in the flesh and/or in the spirit and you know it is HIM, how many of you are willing to walk away from your profession?  Well that is what FAITH is!  Glen Coffee is beginning his Faith Walk.  We all know it and have heard it - “ FAITH is the reality of things hoped for by the proof of things unseen” (Hebrews 11:1).  I don’t know Glen Coffee, but what I recognize is that he has the FAITH and BELIEF that God has something greater than 'silver and gold' awaiting him.  All of us have to think of life in that way.  No More Excuses.  God is calling you (and I) to do something great, and now is the time for you (and I) to do it.  I'm not sure it is at the level of Glen Coffee by leaving your profession, but I know for certain, HE is calling you to be BOLD and make a change by FAITH.  Trust HIM!  I am seeing this more and more.  Being transparent, my Faith has been weaken by the trials and tribulations of my life, but I know without a shadow of doubt, in my spirit, GOD is preparing me for a monumental change that I cannot see or grasp.  I wake up in the middle of the night feeling it, but I just have to trust and believe.

We can not keep running from it, but start running to it.  

We have to step out on FAITH.  Glen Coffee did......He’s ‘RUNNING BACK’ to  JESUS!