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A network of inspiring minds speaking about LIFE.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


"SOCIAL NETWORKING is not SOCIALLY Helping us"....Whatcha mean 'Lik?

I check/read FACEBOOK too much.  Not my work e-mail or my work phone to see who called or my cell phone to see who called or my personal email.....I check Facebook (FB) entirely too much.  It's amazing how 'social networking' has taken over.  Whether it is Twitter, FB, G-chat, BBM, Yahoo Messenger, college round-ups, blogger, tumbler, networking is rampant.  What did we do before this craze?

Someone's opinion, thoughts, feelings are immediate on FB like they are standing right in front of you.  Facebook to me is the that King of Social Information. I rented The Social Network from Redbox (this Redbox thing is another blog) a few months back.  If you are on FB, you need to see this movie.  This whole "facebook" site can be tied to a "woman that made Zuckerberg upset".  If being upset at a woman can make him billions, I should be a "kazillionaire" by now!!!

I digressed.......

As good and fun as social networking is, it has so many ugly parts.  Some folks take FB very serious like it is life.  This is where I feel social networking has gone too far.  The multitude of communication today is now through email, text, tweeting, and facebooking.   I have seen relationships sour, end, and basically fall apart because of FB and what someone DOES or DOES NOT post on their OWN PAGE.  This has happened to me with several friends because of what I put on FB.  (Some rekindled, some broken)

Folks we need to get back to the basics and talk face to face with one another.  Social networking is destroying communication.  I get so discouraged to see "subliminal cyber drive-bys" between folks because they are upset with one another.  Who needs to hear all of that only for someone to gas you up more with their "comments" about the subject matter? Why the questioning from your "girl/guy" about why they talking to such and such on FB and why that person "liking" everything you put on your status???  It's getting to be too much.

Pick up a phone.  Invite that person to dinner.  Go out for a laugh.....and let that be it.  Don't post "I checked in at the Peppermint Club with Jack and Jill"....we don't need to hear all of that.  Just enjoy that person's company and go home.  It's not everyone's business to know every DETAIL of your life.  True true, I don't have to read it (and most of the time I don't), but learn to "socially" embrace the moment and move on. 

I like FB like the next person, but we need a balance.  Instead of logging on....make a call or go for a visit. 

That's a REAL FACE - book.